Saturday, November 21, 2015

Why You May Need to Call a Relocation Attorney

If you have a child with a former partner, the two of you may now be separated. As a result, one person gets the child on certain days while the other person gets them for the remaining days in the week. While this current system may work out well for both parents, certain changes could make things a bit more difficult. If you have decided you would like to relocate to a different area, it is important to speak to a relocation attorney before you suddenly make the move. You want to make sure you do it the legal way to avoid getting into any kind of trouble for taking your child with you to the new home that may be located in a different city or state.

Not only will you need to talk your move over with your former partner, you will likely need to get a court order stating that you have the right to move. If you are wondering why you need permission to make a move, it has everything to do with the child. For example, if you decide to move to a different state that is located approximately three hours away from the state you currently live in, your former partner needs to be aware of this change. Taking the child back and forth to different homes will not be nearly as easy, but the move you are making may benefit your little one. You may be relocating to an area that is safer and has a better education system than the area you live in right now. It is best to be prepared to prove this to a judge, and a professional relocation attorney can help you with that.

The attorney will explain some of the rules you must follow to make this move without any legal trouble. You will need to give the child’s other parent notice of your plans to move at least eight weeks before it happens. Not only do you need to let the parent know about your plans to move, you need to provide an address. It is only right to give this information to other parent because he or she needs to know where the child will be living. If you are concerned about some of these steps because you do not get along well with your child’s other parent, seeking legal assistance is the best thing to do. Want more details on child relocation in Mission Viejo? If so, visit the website.

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